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Fan Fiction Corner

Healing The Soul

With a little persuasion from Ares, Hades gives
Callisto a second chance to change her ways.
Can she do it? Will Callisto choose life or stay in Tartarus for eternity?
RATED PG-14 with typical Xena style violence.

Shadows of The Heart

This story's main characters enlist the aid of a few of our friends
from X:WP in this adventure.
Xena and Gabrielle team up with a few new friends and some old.
RATED PG-17 with typical Xena style violence.

Back To The Present

This is a X:WP story with a little different twist!
We find our heros up to their necks in crime bosses and car chases!
Xena, Gabrielle and Ares are on the adventure of their lives!
RATED PG-14 with typical Xena style violence.

A Xena and Joxer Trilogy

This is a three part story that explores friendships, love, human weakness, and growth.
It shows, hopefully, how the power of love can and does conquer all! It is a love story,
set at the aftermath of the events of "A Comedy Of Eros" and covers a time span of about 8 years.
It is also a Joxer story, so if you are not a fan of the lovable warrior then this trilogy may not be for you.
RATED PG-17 with typical Xena style violence.

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New Beginnings

Battling The Darkness

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Midi selection is "Hearts are Hurting" from the Bitter Suite

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